120325 Bought three perfume samples today and they all smell like incense
060325 Tomorrow's a big day, meaning a friend's coming over to make kimchi with me
060325 Vaguely relieved after finding daikon in the "Gallery of Flavor" (my local supermarket)
060325 I am either speaking or writing, there is no in-between
050325 A bell with four hearts
040325 Love buying second hand books off Allegro, turns out my copy was stolen from a library in Pogorzela
020325 Few things as erotic as kneading dough when it's dark outside
020325 What if everything is exactly as it should be
010325 My reasons to keep going... Henry's soft ears
270225 Grateful I decided to keep a backlog of all the fun dramatic epic collage (and alike) tracks which didn't fit inside my regular mixes, now I've got a chance to do a fun one so I'll just play them all at once
270225 Snacking on wasabi-coated green peas: this one's okay, another's painful, all make wonderful sound while tumbling around in the can
260225 For a brief moment I thought I don't want to record mixes anymore, but then I switched from Ableton back to Audacity and everything feels alright again
230225 You'd be surprised how soft I can get
230225 Thinking I would enjoy strolling around rural Japan a lot, need to make it happen someday
220225 Haven't been that much into new music lately, but
Ghost/Spirit by Jules Reidy has moved me to the core
220225 As of today, my perfect routine lies along the lines of: going out for a walk and coming back home with sixteen new candles, getting undressed as soon as I close the door behind me, heading straight to bed, grabbing a jug of tea along, drinking four cups of it and falling asleep
210225 A coat so large it could fit another person under
190225 So happy when people notice these little changes in my appearance I would occasionally make
190225 There's a total of seven orange tulips in my apartment, placed in two different rooms
180225 Breakthrough day!
180225 Been told it's a red flag, but I do love my bananas green
160225 My coffee machine is broken and french press got shattered into pieces last night, so I'm unleashing my creativity this Sunday morning (coffee filter placed over a large jug, secured with a rubber band)
140225 Can't wait to spend the next two days in my apartment, being completely mute
140225 Experiencing a dramatic candle shortage and I'm the only one to blame
140225 Listening to
A Holding Pattern by Asha Sheshadri (looped) in a supermarket was truly a beautiful experience and that's why it took me almost two hours to leave
120225 I wish I could code this website using Times New Roman, too
120225 Tricking myself into writing by switching into Times New Roman
120225 Woke up speechless (quite literally, my voice is gone)
090225 I just heard a siren wailing and remembered a story about a local gravedigger being so obsessed with its sound that he would occasionally turn it on just so that he could enjoy the sine wave one more time
090225 Seems that I have once again poured myself a glass of water and lost it somewhere in the house
080225 The library is open now!
080225 This entire season is exclusively about me being dressed in black and red
080225 Since when I am so chill about everything
080225 Everything sounds unremarkable these days so I stopped moving around in headphones and discovered that trams in Kraków make wonderful droning noise
020225 A sexy piece of musique concrète can cure so many things
020225 It's my dad's birthday today! Everyone say happy birthday Sonia's dad
020225 I should start telling people when I dream of them